The function of the hormones estrogen and progesterone is very important for physical development at puberty, and the female reproductive organs. Men also have both types of these hormones to support the reproductive organs, only with lower levels.
Balance the levels of these two hormones is very important for humans. If the hormones estrogen and progesterone in the body are too low or high, both in women or men, it can cause health problems.
Hormone disorders occur when glands in the endocrine system are disrupted and cause an increase or decrease in hormone production. This condition is very dangerous because the hormone has a very important role for the human body. Including controlling the metabolic processes, sexual development, and maintaining the balance of bodily functions. If you experience hormonal disorders, you have the potential to experience a number of diseases. Diseases that may be caused are very diverse, depending on what hormones or glands are affected. For example, if the adrenal glands are disturbed, you can experience problems with blood pressure, metabolism, and kidney function. Possible Disease Here are some types of diseases that commonly occur due to hormonal disorders: Cushing's Syndrome This condition occurs because the pituitary gland produces excessive hormones. As a result, the adrenal glands become overactive. This condition can also occur with the consumption of high-dose cor...
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