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Food Choices for Children with Diarrhea, Important for Parents to Know

It is important for parents to give drinks and food for children the right diarrhea. Because, although diarrhea is common in children and adults, but diarrhea in children has a higher risk of causing lack of fluids or dehydration. Diarrhea is one of the ways the body cleanses itself from causes of disease and toxins. In children, the main cause of diarrhea is a virus, namely rotavirus. Common diarrhea is characterized by watery stool, sometimes accompanied by stomach ache, headache, vomiting and fever. It is said diarrhea if you have experienced watery stools more than 3 times a day. Although most diarrhea does not pose a health threat, it can even heal on its own, but that does not mean parents then underestimate diarrhea and neglect to provide the intake of drinks / food that children need when diarrhea.

Recommended Foods for Diarrhea Children

Although most diarrhea will heal itself within a few days, parents need to be alert in dealing with diarrhea in children. Some important things to do are provide adequate drinks and food, and ensure the child rests at home. As for the administration of diarrhea medicine in children, it is better to consult a doctor. For babies who are still breastfeeding, keep giving breast milk (ASI). For older children (over 6 months of age), in addition to water, children need fluids that contain electrolytes to prevent dehydration. But it is not recommended to give fruit juice, because it can thin the stool. Yogurt is recommended to be given when diarrhea, because it contains probiotics that can help reduce diarrhea. Some types of food for children with diarrhea are recommended, including:
  • Cooked rice
  • Bread
  • Cereals
  • Eggs are cooked
  • Soup
  • Potatoes mashed or grilled
  • Cooked vegetables, such as carrots, mushrooms, or beans
  • Grilled beef, chicken or fish.
  • Pancakes and waffles
  • Pasta
  • Yogurt
You can also give coconut water as an intake for children with diarrhea. Make sure whatever intake you give to children, guaranteed cleanliness when prepared and in the presentation. While the types of foods that should be avoided by children when they have diarrhea are fried foods, oily foods, processed or fast food foods, and pastries. Also avoid giving fruits and vegetables that can cause gas, such as broccoli and green vegetables, paprika, corn, peas and berries. By doing a pattern of providing good drinks and food, diarrhea will usually heal within a few days. In principle, you need to replace the fluid that comes out after diarrhea, for example with ORS fluid. Breastfeeding should also continue. Give children smaller, more frequent meals, and continue with high-energy foods after the symptoms of diarrhea decrease to help their recovery. You can consult with your doctor to find out in more detail how to deal with diarrhea in children. Do not forget to apply and teach healthy lifestyle to children, in order to prevent diarrhea in the future.

How to Prevent Diarrhea in Children

Better to prevent than cure, also applies to diarrhea in children. Here are some ways you can do so that your child avoid diarrhea, including:
  • Make sure children wash their hands thoroughly, especially after using the toilet and before eating.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables well before they are processed and eaten. Likewise cooking utensils, wash thoroughly before and after use.
  • Avoid drinking from water sources that cannot be guaranteed of cleanliness, such as river or lake water.
  • Keep the floor and various bathroom surfaces clean.
  • Avoid washing pet cages or pet food bowls in the same sink as those used for washing cooking utensils and tableware.
Mild diarrhea usually resolves within a few days. However, if diarrhea is severe or ongoing, it requires medical attention from a doctor. We recommend that you immediately consult a doctor if the bowel movements are diluted more than four times in 8 hours, diarrhea occurs more than three days, the child looks sick, vomiting yellow or green fluid, high fever, feces accompanied by blood, or not urinating for 12 hours . Do not underestimate diarrhea in children, be responsive in dealing with this disorder, including providing food choices for children with appropriate diarrhea, will greatly help the child's health recovery.


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